Time for Tees

54212 Landes Drive
Osceola, IN 46561
(606) 627-4824

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Delivery charges will be a flat rate of $5.99.  If you are local, you can select the LOCAL PICKUP option at checkout to pick up your order from our shop at no charge.  For on-line pop up shops that include all school or business orders, as well as larger orders, please contact us personally to discuss other possible methods of delivery. 606-627-4824

Online shop payment methods include; PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, or Debit Card.

If an order is placed on-line in the category; “General Store,” items will be prepared and shipped within the week.  If an order is placed on-line in the category, “Pop Up Shops,” orders will be prepared AFTER the ordering window closes based on information provided by the organization that requested the shop.  You may click on the specific store you are shopping from for more information. If you are concerned, please contact Marci Messer at: messer@timefortees.com

Please include your first and last name, date item was ordered, and invoice number, so we can better assist you.

Your Safety is our priority. Time for Tees uses PayPal as our form of secure checkout.  We, personally, DO NOT store any of your credit card information. 

When you pay with PayPal, your financial information is never shared with the seller.
No matter where you shop, our security is always the same. So buy with peace of mind from thousands of online stores around the globe. The world is yours.
We monitor every transaction 24/7 to help prevent fraud, email phishing and identity theft. Every transaction is heavily guarded behind our next-level encryption. If something seems suspicious, our dedicated team of security specialists is immediately on it to help protect you from fraudulent transactions. And remember, we never ask for any sensitive information from you in an email.

Our site employs SSL protocol (the ‘s’ in https://). SSL creates a secure, encrypted connection between you and our servers.

After ordering, you will receive a confirmation email that Time for Tees has received your order. If an order is placed on-line in the category; “General Store,” items will be prepared and shipped within the week.  If an order is placed on-line in the category, “Pop Up Shops,” orders will be prepared AFTER the ordering window closes based on information provided by the organization that requested the shop. As always, if you are concerned about your order, please contact Marci Messer at: messer@timefortees.com Please include your first and last name, date item was ordered, and invoice number, so we can better assist you.

An invoice will be sent to the email provided during checkout shortly after your order is complete. Please keep a record of your order in case you have any questions.


Have a general question? Send us an email, give us a call, or schedule an appointment to stop in and see us!

54212 Landes Drive, Osceola
Operating Hours:
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon through Fri
8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sat

    interactive map

    Time For Tees
    54212 Landes Drive
    Osceola, IN 46561